April 3, 2007: currently has two documentary films planned, if you are interested in participating please contact us.

Documentary 1:

 This documentary brings together 100 college students from around the country, to carry out the convention clause of Article V of the Constitution.

As you may or may not know, over the last sixty years, every decade, there is talk in the MSM about a "constitutional convention," and it's usually touched off by a religious group or tax-reformist group. Going back over those years, the editorials of The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, etc., have deemed the convention a huge monstrosity, a profound danger because America has never called a convention of state delegates and no one knows what exactly would come of it. By documenting a mock-convention of student delegates from colleges around the country, we can show what happens. Ideally, we would fly the 100 to Washington D.C. on Saturday, June 30; get footage of them meeting/introducing themselves; July 1-3 carrying out the clause/building consensus; and on July 4th hammering out amendment(s), the gavel, and conclude with the delegates beneath the fireworks. The exciting thing is that it's open to the collective imagination. What candidates will show up? What will they propose? What will they agree on?

If we can get some serious, thoughtful students to hold a convention, carry out the clause, maybe throw a party before everyone goes back home, cameras on the whole time, we will capture something. We think such a film will be significant. If you are a college student and interested, please contact us: .

Documentary 2:

This documentary understands that each registered voter of the United States, whether they know it or not, according to the law, is either a Conventionist or Anti-Conventionist. This will be a documentary about 100 Americans assembling on the lawn next to the Lincoln Memorial: each of the Article V 100 will have a personal recorder as they don red and blue coveralls: once all are suited up, they stop eating (abstaining from food does not need to be dramatic, we expect many of the 100 to bow out early on): each day they take a group photo on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial: a volunteer M.D. calls weaker participants out, and over a twenty to thirty day period the 100 will winnow down to the last; as soon as that last participant is called out the documentary ends. The message of the documentary and the Article V 100: the Congress must issue the call for a national convention held under the authority of Article V of the U.S. Constitution. The message is that an Article V Convention is a ceremony America must carry out if we are to remain America. (note: an Article V convention is not a Constitutional Convention):